AI Won’t Save You, Business Writer. Just Ask AI.

The following is the response from ChatGT4 when asked about Artificial Intelligence and weak business writers.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) is a powerful tool that can enhance the productivity and creativity of business writers. However, AI is not a magic wand that can compensate for the inherent writing deficiencies of a writer.

In its response, AI argues that business writers still need to develop and improve their writing skills, even if they use AI to assist them.

ai assists business writer

AI Is Not Infalliable

One reason why Artifiical Intelligence cannot save the writing deficient is that AI is not perfect. AI is based on algorithms that learn from existing data. But that data may be incomplete, biased, or outdated. AI may also make mistakes, or generate content that is irrelevant, inaccurate, inappropriate, or fake.

Several public incidences occurred in legal proceedings and in Congress where it was determined AI had invented case law and regulations to fit the narrative it was espousing.

For example, AI may not be able to capture nuances of tone, context, or audience in different writing situations. AI may also not be able to handle complex or novel topics that require critical thinking, analysis, or synthesis.

Therefore, business writers cannot rely solely on AI to produce high-quality content. They need to review, edit, and verify the content generated by AI, and correct any errors or inconsistencies.

Glaring eye in a white face AI Lacks Human Creativity

Another reason why AI cannot save weak business writers is that AI is not a substitute for human creativity. AI can generate content based on existing data, but it cannot create original or innovative content that goes beyond the data.

One the major sticking points of the 2023 strikes by Writers Guild of America  and Screen Actors Guild was over the use of AI. Writers were not concerned with the threat of an algorithm replacing them by creating an original script. But AI’s ability to create knock off, spinoff shows based on an original idea.  Originality it seems is still the province of humans. 

AI may not be able to express sincere emotions, subjective opinions, or diverse perspectives, or engage readers in a meaningful way. For example, AI may not be able to craft a compelling story, a persuasive argument, or a memorable slogan for advertising.

AI may also not be able to adapt to the changing needs, preferences, or expectations of the readers. Therefore, business writers cannot depend on AI to produce engaging and effective content for them. They need to use their own imagination, judgment, and voice, and add value to any content generated by AI.


In conclusion, Artificial Intelligence is a tool that can be extremely useful for business writers. When used to gather information, synthesize data, and check facts, AI can be invaluable.

For the business writer, AI is a capable “assistant”. Saving the writer time and fostering greater productivity. But AI is not a cure for a writer’s writing deficiencies. 

Business writers still need solid basic writing skills – grammar, structure, style, and voice.  Those prerequisites mastered,  they can weave info and insights uncovered by AI into cogent business discourse. Using humans’ most valuable differentiator from AI –  Authenticity.


Marla Currie is a Writer, Entrepreneur, and Philantropist. She is Creator of the WRITING FOR BUSINESS Lesson Series and Founder of OneUpAll Foundation.

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